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MRE Sequences + Reconstruction
We develop sequences for performing brain MRE developed by the lab for use on Siemens scanners. We currently support:
Spin-echo, echoplanar imaging (EPI) MRE
2D multishot spiral MRE
3D multishot spiral MRE with multiband excitation
If you are interested in collaborating on brain MRE sequences please contact Dr. Curtis Johnson (
Documentation for sequences and reconstruction approaches:
Standard-Space Atlas of Human Brain Viscoelasticity
Download the MRE134 atlas in MNI space created using MRE data from 134 healthy, young adult participants:
Hiscox, et al., “Standard-space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain,” Human Brain Mapping, 2020.
Brain Biomechanics Imaging Resources
Repository of imaging data for developing and validating next generation models of traumatic brain injury (supported by U01-NS112120)
Bayly, et al., “MR Imaging of Human Brain Mechanics in vivo: New Measurements to Facilitate the Development of Computational Models of Brain Injury,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2021.