Journal Papers
[104] C Wu, M Alizadeh, MK Kramer, MB Kroen, R Ziechmann, F Mohamed, Q Wu, CL Johnson, “Deep Brain Stimulation Electrode Deviations are Associated with Brain Stiffness Interfaces Measured by Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Operative Neurosurgery, 2024; in press.
[103] KN Eckstein, D Yoon, M Ruding, R Balouchzadeh, A Thompson-Mazzeo, RJ Okamoto, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, PV Bayly, “Mechanically Anisotropic Phantoms for Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2024; doi: 10.1002/mrm.30394.
[102] NA Rizzi, MK Kramer, TM DeConne, JM Ellison, AM Lanzi, ML Overstreet, DG Edwards, ML Cohen, CL Johnson, CR Martens, “Absolute Substrate Oxidation Rates are Lower in Older Adults with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment,” Physiological Reports, 2024; in press.
[101] CC Claros-Olivares*, RG Clements*, G McIlvain, CL Johnson, AJ Brockmeier, “MRI-Based Whole-Brain Elastography and Volumetric Measurements to Predict Brain Age,” Biology Methods & Protocols, 2024; doi: 10.1093/biomethods/bpae086. [* denotes equal contribution]
[100] JN Traüble, LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, C-B Shönlieb, GSK Schierle, A Aviles-Rivero, “Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Neighborhoods for Brain Age Prediction on 3D Stiffness Maps,” Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2024.
[99] G McIlvain, LL Hayes, AW Walter, LW Averill, V Kandula, CL Johnson, RM Nikam, “Mechanical Properties of Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas in Children with and without Neurofibromatosis Type 1,” Neuroradiology, 2024; 66(12):2301-2311.
[98] S Wang, KN Eckstein, RJ Okamoto, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, “Force and Energy Transmission at the Brain-Skull Interface of the Minipig In Vivo and Post-Mortem,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2025; 161:106775.
[97] KP Decker, F Sanjana, NA Rizzi, MK Kramer, AM Cerjanic, CL Johnson, CR Martens, “Comparing Single- and Multi-Post Labeling Delays for the Measurements of Resting Cerebral and Hippocampal Blood Flow for Cerebrovascular Testing in Midlife Adults,” Frontiers in Physiology, 2024; 15:1437973.
[96] K Upadhyay, R Jagani, DG Giovanis, A Alshareef, AK Knutsen, CL Johnson, A Carass, PV Bayly, MD Shields, KT Ramesh, “Effect of Human Head Shape on the Risk of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Gaussian Process Regression-Based Machine Learning Approach,” Military Medicine, 2024; 189(S3):608-617.
[95] LT Williams, Z Cao, AH Lateef, MDJ McGarry, EA Corbin, CL Johnson, “Viscoelastic Polyacrylamide MR Elastography Phantoms with Tunable Damping Ratio Independent of Shear Stiffness,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2024; 154:106522.
[94] G McIlvain, EM Magoon, RG Clements, A Merritt, LV Hiscox, H Schwarb, CL Johnson, “Acute Effects of High-Intensity Exercise on Brain Mechanical Properties and Cognitive Function,” Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2024; 18:863-874.
[93] S Wang, KN Eckstein, CA Guertler, CL Johnson, RJ Okamoto, MDJ McGarry, PV Bayly, “Post-Mortem Changes in Anisotropic Mechanical Properties in the Porcine Human Brain Assessed by MR Elastography,” Brain Multiphysics, 2024; 6:100091.
[92] KA Milbocker, LT Williams, DA Caban-Rivera, IF Smith, S Kurtz, MDJ McGarry, B Wattrisse, EEW Van Houten, CL Johnson, AY Klintsova, “Magnetic Resonance Elastography Captures a Transient Benefit of Exercise Intervention on Forebrain Stiffness in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders,” Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research, 2023; doi: 10.1111/acer.15265.
[91] AM Khair, G McIlvain, MDJ McGarry, V Kandula, X Yue, G Kaur, LW Averill, AK Choudhary, CL Johnson, RM Nikam, “Clinical Application of Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Pediatric Neurological Disorders,” Pediatric Radiology, 2023; 53:2712-2722.
[90] F Sanjana, PL Delgorio, TM DeConne, LV Hiscox, RT Pohlig, CL Johnson, CR Martens, “Vascular Determinants of Hippocampal Viscoelastic Properties in Healthy Adults Across the Lifespan,” Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2023; 43(11):1931-1941.
[89] S Wang, CA Guertler, RJ Okamoto, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, PV Bayly, “Mechanical Stiffness and Anisotropy Measured by MRE during Brain Development in the Minipig,” NeuroImage, 2023; 277:120234.
[88] RJ Okamoto, JD Escarcega, AA Alshareef, A Carass, JL Prince, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, “Effect of Direction and Frequency of Skull Motion on Mechanical Vulnerability of the Human Brain,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2023; 145(11):111005.
[87] KA Kailash, CA Guertler, CL Johnson, RJ Okamoto, PV Bayly, “Measurement of Relative Motion of the Brain and Skull in the Mini-Pig In-Vivo,” Journal of Biomechanics, 2023; 156:111676.
[86] DR Smith*, CA Helm*, A Zonnino, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, F Sergi, “Individual Muscle Force Estimation in the Human Forearm using Multi-Muscle MR Elastography (MM-MRE),” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023; 70(11):3206-3215. [* denotes equal contribution]
[85] JD Escarcega, AK Knutsen, AA Alshareef, CL Johnson, RJ Okamoto, DL Pham, PV Bayly, “Comparison of Deformation Patterns Excited in the Human Brain in vivo by Harmonic and Impulsive Skull Motion,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2023; 145(8):081006.
[84] EM Tinney, P Loui, LB Raine, LV Hiscox, PL Delgorio, MK Kramer, H Schwarb, CR Martens, AF Kramer, CH Hillman, CL Johnson, “Influence of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Body Mass Index on White Matter Integrity Assessed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging,” Psychophysiology, 2023; 60(9):e14306.
[83] D Jyoti, MDJ McGarry, DA Caban-Rivera, EEW Van Houten, CL Johnson, KD Paulsen, “Transversely-Isotropic Brain in vivo MR Elastography with Anisotropic Damping,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2023; 141:105744.
[82] IE Kabir, DA Caban-Rivera, J Ormachea, KJ Parker, CL Johnson, MM Doyley, “Reverberant Magnetic Resonance Elastographic Imaging Using a Single Mechanical Driver,” Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2023; 68(5):055015.
[81] PL Delgorio, LV Hiscox, G McIlvain, MK Kramer, AM Diano, KE Twohy, AA Merritt, MDJ McGarry, H Schwarb, AM Daugherty, JM Ellison, AM Lanzi, ML Cohen, CR Martens, CL Johnson, “Hippocampal Subfield Viscoelasticity in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Evaluated with MR Elastography,” NeuroImage: Clinical, 2023; 37:103327.
[80] DR Smith, DA Caban-Rivera, LT Williams, EEW Van Houten, PV Bayly, KD Paulsen, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “In Vivo Estimation of Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of the Gastrocnemius During Functional Loading with MR Elastography,” Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2023; 68(4):045004.
[79] AK Knutsen, S Vidhate, G McIlvain, J Luster, EJ Galindo, CL Johnson, DL Pham, JA Butman, R Mejia-Alvarez, M Tartis, A Willis, “Characterization of Material Properties and Deformation in the ANGUS Phantom during Mild Head Impacts using MRI,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2023; 138:105586.
[78] K Upadhyay, A Alshareef, AK Knutsen, CL Johnson, A Carass, PV Bayly, DL Pham, JL Prince, KT Ramesh, “Development and Validation of Subject-Specific 3D Human Head Models Based on a Nonlinear Visco-Hyperelastic Constitutive Framework,” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2022; 19:20220561.
[77] G McIlvain, JM Schneider, MA Matyi, MDJ McGarry, Z Qi, JM Spielberg, CL Johnson, “Mapping Brain Mechanical Property Maturation from Childhood to Adulthood,” NeuroImage, 2022; 263:119590.
[76] PL Delgorio, LV Hiscox, AM Daugherty, F Sanjana, G McIlvain, RT Pohlig, MDJ McGarry, CR Martens, H Schwarb, CL Johnson, “Structure-Function Dissociations of Human Hippocampal Subfield Stiffness and Memory Performance,” Journal of Neuroscience, 2022; 42(42):7957-7968.
[75] JM Schneider, G McIlvain, CL Johnson, “Mechanical Properties of the Developing Brain are Associated with Language Input and Vocabulary Outcome,” Developmental Neuropsychology, 2022; 47(5):258-272.
[74] DR Smith, DA Caban-Rivera, MDJ McGarry, LT Williams, G McIlvain, RJ Okamoto, EEW Van Houten, PV Bayly, KD Paulsen, CL Johnson, “Anisotropic Mechanical Properties in the Healthy Human Brain Estimated with Multi-Excitation Transversely Isotropic MR Elastography,” Brain Multiphysics, 2022; 3:100051.
[73] K Upadhyay, DG Giovanis, A Alshareef, AK Knutsen, CL Johnson, A Carass, PV Bayly, DL Pham, JL Prince, MD Shields, KT Ramesh, “Data-Driven Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Head Models,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022; 398:115108.
[72] G McIlvain, A Cerjanic, AG Christodoulou, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “OSCILLATE: A Low-Rank Approach for Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022; 88(4):1659-1672.
[71] MS DiFabio, DR Smith, KM Breedlove, TA Buckley, CL Johnson, “Relationships between Aggression, Sensation-Seeking, Brain Stiffness, and Head Impact Exposure: Implications for Head Impact Prevention in Ice Hockey,” Brain and Behavior, 2022; 12(7):e2627.
[70] MS DiFabio, DR Smith, KM Breedlove, RT Pohlig, TA Buckley, CL Johnson, “Altered Brain Functional Connectivity in the Frontoparietal Network Following an Ice Hockey Season,” European Journal of Sport Science, 2023; 23(5):684-692.
[69] MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, D Jyoti, D Sowinski, DR Smith, DA Caban-Rivera, G McIlvain, PV Bayly, CL Johnson, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, “Mapping Heterogeneous Anisotropic Tissue Mechanical Properties with Transverse Isotropic Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography,” Medical Image Analysis, 2022; 78:102432.
[68] D Jyoti, MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, D Sowinski, PV Bayly, CL Johnson, KD Paulsen, “Quantifying Stability of Parameter Estimates for in vivo Nearly Incompressible Transversely-Isotropic Brain MR Elastography,” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2022; 8:035015.
[67] LV Hiscox, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “Evaluation of Cerebral Cortex Viscoelastic Property Estimation with Nonlinear Inversion Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2022; 67:095002.
[66] A Alshareef, AK Knutsen, CL Johnson, A Carass, K Upadhyay, PV Bayly, DL Pham, JL Prince, KT Ramesh, “Integrating Material Properties from Magnetic Resonance Elastography into Subject-Specific Computational Models for the Human Brain,” Brain Multiphysics, 2021; 2:100038.
[65] AJ Hannum, G McIlvain, D Sowinski, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “Correlated Noise in Brain Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022; 87(3):1313-1328.
[64] CR Martens, ML Cohen, AM Lanzi, CL Johnson, “Expanding Alzheimer’s Research at the University of Delaware and Beyond: Proposed Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research (DECCAR),” Delaware Journal of Public Health, 2021; 7(4):24-30.
[63] G McIlvain, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “Quantitative Effects of Off-Resonance Related Geometric Distortion on Brain Mechanical Property Estimation with Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” NMR in Biomedicine, 2022; 35(1):e4616.
[62] E Ozkaya, ER Triolo, F Rezayaraghi, J Abderezaei, W Meinhold, K Hong, A Alipour, P Kennedy, L Fleysher, J Ueda, P Balchandani, M Eriten, CL Johnson, Y Yang, M Kurt, “Brain-Mimicking Phantom for Biomechanics Validations of Motion Sensitive MR Imaging Techniques,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2021; 122:104680.
[61] PV Bayly, A Alshareef, AK Knutsen, K Upadhyay, RJ Okamoto, A Carass, JA Butman, DL Pham, JL Prince, KT Ramesh, CL Johnson, “MR Imaging of Human Brain Mechanics in vivo: New Measurements to Facilitate the Development of Computational Models of Brain Injury,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2021; 49(10):2677-2692.
[60] JS Giudice, A Alshareef, T Wu, AK Knutsen, LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MB Panzer, “Calibration of a Heterogeneous Brain Model Using a Subject-Specific Inverse Finite Element Approach,” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021; 9:664268.
[59] LV Hiscox, H Schwarb, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “Aging Brain Mechanics: Progress and Promise of Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” NeuroImage, 2021; 232:117889.
[58] JB Tracy, DA Petersen, BC Conner, JG Matteson, DG Triplett, HG Wright, CM Modlesky, F Miller, CL Johnson, JR Crenshaw, “The Construct and Concurrent Validity of Brief Standing Sway Assessments in Children With and Without Cerebral Palsy,” Gait & Posture, 2021; 84:293-299.
[57] PL Delgorio, LV Hiscox, AM Daugherty, F Sanjana, RT Pohlig, JM Ellison, CR Martens, H Schwarb, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, “Effect of Aging on the Viscoelastic Properties of Hippocampal Subfields Assessed with High-Resolution MR Elastography,” Cerebral Cortex, 2021; 31(6):2799-2811.
[56] N Bounoua, R Miglin, JM Spielberg, CL Johnson, N Sadeh, “Childhood Trauma Moderates Morphometric Associations Between Orbitofrontal Cortex and Amygdala: Implications for Pathological Personality Traits,” Psychological Medicine, 2022; 52(13):2578-2587.
[55] WC Olivero, A Biswas, TM Wszalek, BP Sutton, CL Johnson, “Brain Stiffness Following Recovery in a Patient with an Episode of Low-Pressure Hydrocephalus: Case Report,” 2021; 37(8):2695-2698.
[54] F Sanjana, PL Delgorio, LV Hiscox, TM DeConne, JC Hobson, ML Cohen, CL Johnson, CR Martens, “Blood Lipid Markers are Associated with Hippocampal Viscoelastic Properties and Memory in Humans,” Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2021; 41(6):1417-1427.
[53] LV Hiscox, MDJ McGarry, H Schwarb, EEW Van Houten, RT Pohlig, N Roberts, GR Huesmann, AZ Burzynska, BP Sutton, CH Hillman, AF Kramer, NJ Cohen, AK Barbey, KD Paulsen, CL Johnson, “Standard-Space Atlas of the Viscoelastic Properties of the Human Brain,” Human Brain Mapping, 2020; 41(18):5282-5300.
[52] GR Huesmann, H Schwarb, DR Smith, RT Pohlig, AT Anderson, MDJ McGarry, KD Paulsen, TM Wszalek, BP Sutton, CL Johnson, “Hippocampal Stiffness in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Measured with MR Elastography: Preliminary Comparison with Healthy Participants,” NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020; 27:102313.
[51] MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, CA Guertler, RJ Okamoto, DR Smith, D Sowinski, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, “A Heterogeneous, Time Harmonic, Nearly Incompressible Transverse Isotropic Finite Element Brain Simulation Platform for MR Elastography,” Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2021; 66(5):055029.
[50] KD Meadows, CL Johnson, JM Peloquin, RG Spencer, EJ Vresilovic, DM Elliott, “Impact of Pulse Sequence, Analysis Method, and Signal to Noise Ratio on the Accuracy of Intervertebral Disc T2 Measurement,” JOR Spine, 2020; 3(3):e1102.
[49] G McIlvain, RG Clements, EM Magoon, JM Spielberg, EH Telzer, CL Johnson, “Viscoelasticity of Reward and Control Systems in Adolescent Risk Taking,” NeuroImage, 2020; 215:116850. [UDaily article]
[48] AM Daugherty, H Schwarb, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, NJ Cohen, “MR Elastography of Human Hippocampal Subfields: CA3-Dentate Gyrus Viscoelasticity Predicts Relational Memory Accuracy,” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020; 32(9):1704-1713.
[47] JR Crenshaw, DA Petersen, BC Conner, JB Tracy, J Pigman, HG Wright, F Miller, CL Johnson, CM Modlesky, “Anteroposterior Balance Reactions in Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy,” Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2020; 62(6):700-708.
[46] G McIlvain, JB Tracy, CA Chaze, DA Petersen, GM Villermaux, HG Wright, F Miller, JR Crenshaw, CL Johnson, “Brain Stiffness Relates to Dynamic Balance Reactions in Children with Cerebral Palsy,” Journal of Child Neurology, 2020; 35(7):463-471.
[45] DR Smith, CA Guertler, RJ Okamoto, AJ Romano, PV Bayly, CL Johnson, “Multi-Excitation Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Brain: Wave Propagation in Anisotropic White Matter,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2020; 142(7):071005.
[44] LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, H Marshall, CW Ritchie, EJR van Beek, N Roberts, JM Starr, “Mechanical Property Alterations Across the Cerebral Cortex due to Alzheimer’s Disease,” Brain Communications, 2020; 2(1):fcz049.
[43] H Schwarb, CL Johnson, MR Dulas, MDJ McGarry, JL Holtrop, PD Watson, JX Wang, JL Voss, BP Sutton, NJ Cohen, “Structural and Functional MRI Evidence for Distinct Medial Temporal and Prefrontal Roles in Context-Dependent Relational Memory,” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2019; 31(12):1857-1872.
[42] BC Conner, DA Petersen, J Pigman, JB Tracy, CL Johnson, K Manal, F Miller, CM Modlesky, JR Crenshaw, “The Cross-Sectional Relationships Between Age, Standing Static Balance, and Standing Dynamic Balance Reactions in Typically Developing Children,” Gait & Posture, 2019; 73:20-25.
[41] JB Tracy, DA Petersen, J Pigman, BC Conner, HG Wright, CM Modlesky, F Miller, CL Johnson, JR Crenshaw, “Dynamic Stability During Walking in Children With and Without Cerebral Palsy,” Gait & Posture, 2019; 72:182-187.
[40] G McIlvain, E Ganji, C Cooper, ML Killian, BA Ogunnaike, CL Johnson, “Reliable Preparation of Agarose Phantoms for Use in Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019; 97:65-73.
[39] RJ Okamoto, AJ Romano, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, “Insights into Traumatic Brain Injury from MRI of Harmonic Brain Motion,” Journal of Experimental Neuroscience, 2019; 13:1179069519840444.
[38] CA Chaze, G McIlvain, DR Smith, GM Villermaux, PL Delgorio, HG Wright, KJ Rogers, F Miller, JR Crenshaw, CL Johnson, “Altered Brain Tissue Viscoelasticity in Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Measured by Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” NeuroImage: Clinical, 2019; 22:101750.
[37] LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, H Schwarb, EJR van Beek, N Roberts, JM Starr, “Hippocampal Viscoelasticity and Episodic Memory Performance in Healthy Older Adults Examined with Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2020; 14(1):175-185.
[36] G McIlvain, H Schwarb, NJ Cohen, EH Telzer, CL Johnson, “Mechanical Properties of the In Vivo Adolescent Human Brain,” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018; 34:27-33. [UDaily article][Delaware Public Media]
[35] RE Bollaert, K Poe, EA Hubbard, RW Motl, LA Pilutti, CL Johnson, BP Sutton, “Associations of Functional Connectivity and Walking Performance in Multiple Sclerosis,” Neuropsychologia, 2018; 117:8-12.
[34] AA Badachhape, RJ Okamoto, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, “Relationships between Scalp, Brain, and Skull Motion Estimated using Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Journal of Biomechanics, 2018; 73:40-49.
[33] BM Sandroff, GR Wylie, BP Sutton, CL Johnson, J DeLuca, RW Motl, “Treadmill Walking Exercise Training and Brain Function in Multiple Sclerosis: Preliminary Evidence Setting the Stage for a Network-Based Approach to Rehabilitation,” Multiple Sclerosis Journal: Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 2018; 4(1):2055217318760641.
[32] LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, M Perrins, A Littlejohn, EJR van Beek, N Roberts, JM Starr, “High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Elastography Reveals Differences in Subcortical Gray Matter Viscoelasticity Between Young and Healthy Older Adults,” Neurobiology of Aging, 2018; 65:158-167.
[31] CA Guertler, RJ Okamoto, JL Schmidt, AA Badachhape, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, “Mechanical Properties of Porcine Brain Tissue In Vivo and Ex Vivo Estimated by MR Elastography,” Journal of Biomechanics, 2018; 69:10-18.
[30] CL Johnson*, H Schwarb*, KM Horecka, MDJ McGarry, CH Hillman, AF Kramer, NJ Cohen, AK Barbey, “Double Dissociation of Structure-Function Relationships in Memory and Fluid Intelligence Observed with Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” NeuroImage, 2018; 171:99-106. [* denotes equal contribution]
[29] P Kennedy, M Wagner, L Castera, CW Hong, CL Johnson, CB Sirlin, B Taouli, “Quantitative Elastography Methods in Liver Disease: Current Evidence and Future Directions,” Radiology, 2018; 286(3):738-763.
[28] CL Johnson, EH Telzer, “Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Examining Developmental Changes in the Mechanical Properties of the Brain,” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018; 33:176-181.
[27] AJ Farrens, A Zonnino, A Erwin, MK O’Malley, CL Johnson, D Ress, F Sergi, “Quantitative Testing of fMRI-Compatibility of an Electrically Active Mechatronic Device for Robot-Assisted Sensorimotor Protocols,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2018; 65(7):1595-1606.
[26] H Schwarb, CL Johnson, AM Daugherty, CH Hillman, AF Kramer, NJ Cohen, AK Barbey, “Aerobic Fitness, Hippocampal Viscoelasticity, and Relational Memory Performance,” NeuroImage, 2017; 153:179-188.
[25] AA Badachhape, RJ Okamoto, RS Durham, BD Efron, SJ Nadell, CL Johnson, PV Bayly, “The Relationship of Three-Dimensional Human Skull Motion to Brain Tissue Deformation in Magnetic Resonance Elastography Studies,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2017; 139(5):051002.
[24] P Kennedy, LJ Macgregor, E Barnhill, CL Johnson, M Perrins, A Hunter, C Brown, EJR van Beek, N Roberts, “MR Elastography Measurement of the Effect of Passive Warmup Prior to Eccentric Exercise on Thigh Muscle Mechanical Properties,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2017; 46(4):1115-1127.
[23] BM Sandroff, CL Johnson, RW Motl, “Exercise Training Effects on Memory and Hippocampal Viscoelasticity in Multiple Sclerosis: A Novel Application of Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Neuroradiology, 2017; 59(1):61-67.
[22] LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, E Barnhill, MDJ McGarry, J Huston III, EJR van Beek, JM Starr, N Roberts, “Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) of the Human Brain: Technique, Findings and Clinical Applications,” Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2016; 61(24):R401-R437.
[21] CL Johnson, H Schwarb, MDJ McGarry, AT Anderson, GR Huesmann, BP Sutton, NJ Cohen, “Viscoelasticity of Subcortical Gray Matter Structures,” Human Brain Mapping, 2016; 37(12):4221-4233.
[20] L Chaddock-Heyman, KI Erickson, MA Chappell, CL Johnson, C Kienzler, A Knecht, ES Drollette, LB Raine, MR Scudder, S-C Kao, CH Hillman, AF Kramer, “Aerobic Fitness is Associated with Greater Hippocampal Cerebral Blood Flow in Children,” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2016; 20:52-58.
[19] WC Olivero, TM Wszalek, H Wang, A Farahvar, SM Rieth, CL Johnson, “Magnetic Resonance Elastography Demonstrating Low Brain Stiffness in a Patient with Low-Pressure Hydrocephalus: Case Report,” Pediatric Neurosurgery, 2016; 51(5):257-262.
[18] AT Anderson, EEW Van Houten, MDJ McGarry, KD Paulsen, JL Holtrop, BP Sutton, JG Georgiadis, CL Johnson, “Observation of Direction-Dependent Mechanical Properties in the Human Brain with Multi-Excitation MR Elastography,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2016; 59:538-546.
[17] H Schwarb*, CL Johnson*, MDJ McGarry, NJ Cohen, “Medial Temporal Lobe Viscoelasticity and Relational Memory Performance,” NeuroImage, 2016; 132:534-541. [* denotes equal contribution]
[16] C Ma, F Lam, Q Ning, CL Johnson, Z-P Liang, “High-Resolution 1H-MRSI of the Brain Using Short-TE SPICE,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017; 77(2):467-479.
[15] F Lam, C Ma, B Clifford, CL Johnson, Z-P Liang, “High-Resolution 1H-MRSI of the Brain Using SPICE: Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2016; 76(4):1059-1070. [Cover article]
[14] Y Liu, C Ma, B Clifford, F Lam, CL Johnson, Z-P Liang, “Improved Low-Rank Filtering of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Data Corrupted by Noise and B0 Field Inhomogeneity,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016; 63(4):841-849. [Highlight article]
[13] C Ma, F Lam, CL Johnson, Z-P Liang, “Removal of Nuisance Signals from Limited and Sparse 1H MRSI Data Using a Union-of-Subspaces Model,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2016; 75(2):488-497.
[12] H Wang, B Wang, K Jackson, CM Miller, R Rubin, L Hasadsri, D Llano, J Zimmerman, CL Johnson, BP Sutton, “A Novel Head-Neck Cooling Device for Concussion Injury in Contact Sports,” Translational Neuroscience, 2015; 6(1):20-31.
[11] MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, BP Sutton, JG Georgiadis, EEW Van Houten, AJ Pattison, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, “Suitability of Poroelastic and Viscoelastic Mechanical Models for High and Low Frequency MR Elastography,” Medical Physics, 2015; 42(2):947-957. [Editor’s Pick]
[10] D Klatt*, CL Johnson*, RL Magin, “Simultaneous, Multidirectional Acquisition of Displacement Fields in Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the in vivo Human Brain,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2015; 42(2):297-304. [* denotes equal contribution]
[9] E Barnhill, P Kennedy, CL Johnson, M Mada, N Roberts, “Real-Time 4D Phase Unwrapping Applied to Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014; 73(6):2321-2331.
[8] CL Johnson, JL Holtrop, MDJ McGarry, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, JG Georgiadis, BP Sutton, “3D Multislab, Multishot Acquisition for Fast, Whole-Brain MR Elastography with High Signal-to-Noise Efficiency,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014; 71(2):477-485.
[7] MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, BP Sutton, EEW Van Houten, JG Georgiadis, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, “Including Spatial Information in Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography Using Soft Prior Regularization,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2013; 32(10):1901-1909.
[6] CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, AA Gharibans, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, H Wang, WC Olivero, BP Sutton, JG Georgiadis, “Local Mechanical Properties of White Matter Structures in the Human Brain,” NeuroImage, 2013; 79:145-152.
[5] EA Corbin, LJ Millet, JH Pikul, CL Johnson, JG Georgiadis, WP King, R Bashir, “Micromechanical Properties of Hydrogels Measured with MEMS Resonant Sensors,” Biomedical Microdevices, 2013; 15(2):311-319.
[4] MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, CL Johnson, JG Georgiadis, BP Sutton, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, “Multiresolution MR Elastography Using Nonlinear Inversion,” Medical Physics, 2012; 39(10):6388-6396.
[3] CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, BP Sutton, JG Georgiadis, “Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Brain Using Multishot Spiral Readouts with Self-Navigated Motion Correction,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2013; 70(2):404-412.
[2] CL Johnson, DD Chen, WC Olivero, BP Sutton, JG Georgiadis, “Effect of Off-Frequency Sampling in Magnetic Resonance Elastography,” Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2012; 30(2):205-212.
[1] MC Mojtahedi, MP Thorpe, DC Karampinos, CL Johnson, DK Layman, JG Georgiadis, EM Evans, “The Effects of a Higher Protein Intake During Energy Restriction on Changes in Body Composition and Physical Function in Older Women,” Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 2011; 66A(11):1218-1225.